Plastic is the collective name for a huge variety of synthetic polymeric materials and plastics that a number of industries depend on today — from computer engineering to infant care products. Low cost, versatility in application, and durability are advantages that actually lie behind one of the key threats to the future of the planet. Today, plastic pollution is killing off vast numbers of ecosystems around the world and poses risks to human health.

The global scientific community has repeatedly confirmed the dangers of plastic at all stages of its life cycle: from production to disposal. Microplastic offers a particular concern. It is virtually non-degradable and non-recyclable in natural conditions, and most importantly, no precise methods of tracking it and removing it from ecosystems have yet been found.
Baikal is a unique natural site and the largest reservoir of fresh water that contains 20% of the world’s fresh lake water and is home to over 800 endemic species of flora and fauna. The lake and the rivers flowing into it are already endangered — their shores are covered with plastic trash, and scientists regularly find microplastic in the water.

The lake’s value is undeniable, and the fact that Lake Baikal is in danger is of particular concern. The problem of plastic pollution can only be solved collaboratively: through the efforts of the public, government agencies, scientific organisations, and businesses.
We, the members of the Baikal Plastic-Free Alliance, advocate the immediate development of a set of measures to eliminate the circulation of disposable plastic products in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural area, to provide the Baikal regions with infrastructure for separate waste collection and recycling system development, dissemination of ecological culture among the population and tourists.

This Mission Statement will define the basic provisions of the Baikal Plastic-Free Alliance (hereinafter, the Alliance), as well as establishes the principles of its work and areas of interaction and cooperation within the Alliance.
  1. General Provisions
1.1. The Alliance will promote consolidation of efforts of authorities, educational institutions, scientific and business communities, and other stakeholders operating within the boundaries of the Baikal natural area, defined by the Government of Russia in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law No 94-FZ 'On Protection of Lake Baikal' dated May 1, 1999 (hereinafter, BNA), acknowledging the need to reduce the volume of plastic waste both through development of separate waste collection infrastructure and through encouraging a reduction in the use of disposable plastic in the region.

1.2. The main objective of the Alliance will be to help reduce the use of disposable plastic in the BNA central ecological zone (CEZ) and the Baikal regions, to attract the attention of the general public to the litter problem in Baikal — primarily to the problem of plastic pollution of the lake — including due to irresponsible spontaneous tourism.
2. Goals of the Alliance
2.1. Pooling the efforts of authorities, public institutions, educational institutions, scientific and business communities and other stakeholders to support the reduction of pollution of the BNA CEZ, the development of separate waste collection infrastructure and the reduction of plastic use in the Baikal regions;

2.2. Promoting a legislative framework to reduce the use of disposable plastic products in the BNA CEZ and measures to encourage their substitution with products made from alternative disposable or reusable materials;

2.3. Developing a series of projects highlighting the pollution problems of Lake Baikal;

2.4. Encouraging the transition from irresponsible spontaneous tourism to organised, responsible and environmentally friendly tourism;

2.5. Promoting the practice of separate waste collection from the local population and operating organisations;

2.6. Promoting the development of infrastructure for separate waste collection and recycling in the Baikal regions.
3. Objectives of the Alliance
3.1. Developing a Baikal Plastic-Free programme to help reduce the use of disposable plastic in the BNA CEZ and the Baikal regions, encouraging the use of alternative materials as well as developing a culture of waste management;

3.2. Supporting all levels of government and independent structures and associations in their efforts to shape and implement the Baikal Plastic-Free programme;

3.3. Supporting scientific organisations to carry out research on monitoring of ecosystem pollution by plastic and developing technologies for recycling and substituting these materials with more environmentally friendly ones;

3.4. Recognising the need to establish a system to control the handling (monitoring, reporting and verifying data on the purchase, use and recycling) of disposable plastic products within the BNA CEZ;

3.5. Supporting national development goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (especially SDG 6, SDG 12, SDG 11, SDG 15, SDG 17);

3.6. Pooling the efforts of stakeholders to develop and implement a Baikal Plastic-Free programme, minimising the anthropogenic impact on the environment.
4. Field of Concern
Following the provisions of the Mission Statement, the members of the Alliance define the areas of cooperation as follows:
4.1. Pooling the efforts of all stakeholders to preserve the Baikal ecosystem from plastic pollution;

4.2. Promoting a culture of sorting household waste among local people as well as among small and medium-sized businesses;

4.3. Setting up economic incentives for recycling collection;

4.4. Further developing the infrastructure for separate collection, sorting and recycling of household waste;

4.5. Promoting the principles of sustainable development in the region, including among the population of the Baikal regions;

4.6. Promoting scientific developments, innovative technologies and solutions that reduce the impact of human activities on the environment;

4.7. Presenting the leadership position of businesses in Russia on responsible management of consumer waste;

4.8. Dealing with regional and municipal legislative and executive bodies to develop a legislative framework aimed at reducing the sale of disposable plastic products and at distributing free plastic bags in the BNA CEZ by retailers;

4.9. Establishing an economically sustainable network of eco-points in the Irkutsk region to provide local communities and tourists with a service to reclaim collected recyclable materials (plastic, aluminium, tetrapack, glass) on a reimbursable basis.

4.10. Developing infrastructure for organised eco-responsible tourism and tourist education activities.
5. Participation in the Alliance and Interaction of the Parties
5.1. The Alliance is open to representatives of businesses, scientific and educational organisations, regional authorities, state budgetary institutions, public organisations as well as other stakeholders operating in the BNA CEZ or in the Balkan regions and recognising the need to reduce litter and eliminate disposable plastic within the BNA;

5.2.Membership in the Alliance will be based on commitment to the Mission Statement (through signing);

5.3. A party signing the Mission Statement will become a member of the Alliance.

5.4. In its activities, the Alliance will be guided by the resolutions of the meetings of the members and the Mission Statement;

5.5. The members of the Alliance will interact with each other to implement the provisions of the Mission Statement, develop and implement the Baikal Plastic-Free programme and carry out joint activities, and implement joint projects.
6. Final Provisions
6.1. The Alliance will not be a legal entity (non-profit organisation) or a non-governmental organisation;

6.2. The parties will regard this Mission Statement as a declaration of intent, entailing no legal or financial obligations for joint activities;

6.3. The parties assume that no action within the Alliance should infringe upon any rights or supersede the authority of any of the members of the Alliance;

6.4. Disputes and disagreements between members of the Alliance on issues within the scope of the Mission Statement will be resolved by negotiation or consultation between the members of the Alliance;

6.5. The Baikal Plastic-Free Alliance welcomes new members to join and is willing to work with partners to find solutions to help improve the recycling of consumer waste as well as to eliminate the use of disposable plastic products in the Baikal Natural Territory;

6.6. All amendments and additions to the Mission Statement will be made in writing, as agreed by the members of the Alliance, and will form an integral part of the Mission Statement.